With A Side of Jess: Palmolive Fresh Infusions - First Impressions - Influenster VoxBox

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Palmolive Fresh Infusions - First Impressions - Influenster VoxBox

I was so excited when these showed up at my door a couple of weeks ago. I'd seen a few posts and a couple of reviews from when Influenster did the first round of VoxBoxes for Palmolive Fresh Infusions in the fall and I'd heard mostly rave reviews. I was excited to be able to try these bad boys out for myself!

The first thing I noticed when I opened the box were the amazing colors of the dish soaps. Usually - it seems to me at least - dish soaps come in a few basic colors: yellow (lemon), green (apple usually), and blue (I have no idea what scent). Not these Palmolive dish soaps! They do come in green (Lime Basil) and yellow (Lemon Thyme), but they also come in this great peachy, pink color (Ginger White Tea). And even though they do come in some of the standard dish soap colors, I find these colors to be more vibrant and different. The green, for example, isn't your standard dish soap green. It's a much lighter shade of green and really compliments the decor of my kitchen well. Actually, all of the colors will look great in my kitchen.

Which brings me to another thought I had when I saw these beauties sitting in the box. They will look great sitting out on your counter. The bottles are very sleek despite being a 16oz. bottle! They don't have the same big, bulky look of other dish soaps of similar sizes. They fit great into smaller spaces on the counter and there's no need to feel as though you need to hide the soap in other dispensers or even under the sink!

Look for a full review to come after I've tried them for a bit!

Have you tried the new Palmolive Fresh Infusions dish soap? Feel free to share your thoughts below!

Disclaimer: I received this product free from Influenster for testing purposes.

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