With A Side of Jess: December 2011

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 in Review

I used to do these kinds of posts on LiveJournal way back in the day so I figured I'd try to do the same here. It's a month by month short review of the things that happened this year.

Marked 2 years that Adrian has been gone, that was rough. Wedding planning getting hectic.

Our last Valentine's Day as "singles." Bridal shower that was blown off by many. The big day is almost here!

The last dating anniversary we will probably ever celebrate. We both lost our jobs within about a month of the wedding. Finishing up last minute DIY projects. Surprise birthday party for Aunt Betty - it was princess themed!

We got married! Almost lost reception venue and Pastor in the week before the wedding. Jacuzzi room with the leak.

The hubby turned 24 and went back to work. Another Mother's Day as only a mother to angels. I got back into Etsy more.

Nothing much must have happened because I can't think of anything.

Paper flowers galore! 3 years since I'd had a "real" job.

Finally got down to see the wonderful Miss Kelley! Had a blast at the fair despite the heat and enjoyed Duck Farts and Duck Poop. Health insurance kicked in! Officially re-opened my Etsy store.

Dad turned 61! Now he is getting old (notice no quotation marks!).

I turned 29! One more year until I'm "old."

The terrible neighbors finally left! Leg bummed up most of the month. Black Friday shopping online. First holiday season as a married couple.

First gift from Hubby that I wasn't there to pick out. Amazing savings on clothes for the niece and nephews. Christmas is still a rough holiday despite all the reasons to be happy.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Thinking of You - Mojo Monday 221

I wasn't planning on posting any more in 2011, but I just HAD to get this up and show you.

Here's the latest Mojo Monday sketch.

I chose to do the square as I knew it would still let me use a regular A2 envelope.

Card available for purchase by clicking picture above

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Gift Card Haul #1

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! I know I sure did! All of the gifts I gave people were very well liked and I loved everything I received, especially the gift cards to Hobby Lobby and Walmart!

I decided to go shopping today to see what I could find to spend those gift cards on and came home with quite a bit of stuff, and even had some money left! I got several new papers, stamps and inks as well as blank cards for embellishing. I was going to try to come up with lots of different projects to help show off all I got, but decided instead to just take pictures of everything and add a little description.

Here goes.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Is it really almost Christmas?

The last few weeks have both drug and flown by at the same time. I can't believe we're nearing the home stretch to Christmas and I haven't even started my cards. That might be something I get to tonight.

Since the weekend before Thanksgiving I've been pretty well laid up with a leg injury. I went to my family doctor who said I had a Baker's cyst. After a week I was still in a lot of pain and of course the doctor was out for Thanksgiving vacation, so I ended up at the ER. The doctor there diagnosed me with phlebitis (an inflammation of a vein, mine happens to be in my leg) and told me to follow up with my regular doctor in a few days. I did that this week and he gave me a water pill to get rid of the swelling in my leg.

I'm going to be honest here. I kind of don't feel like either diagnosis is the correct one, but I'm kind of done with testing and blood work and such. It feels, to me, the one feeling the pain, like a pulled muscle of sorts. I believe that I did initially have a Baker's cyst, but I'm not so sure about the phlebitis.

As of today I'm feeling pretty good. The pain is no where near what it was and it actually feels better to move around and stretch things out a little (hence why I think muscular problem). Once the swelling goes down even more I think I'll feel nearly as good as new.