With A Side of Jess: January 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015

Already making progress

We're just 12 days into 2015 and I'm already making progress on my 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 things to do in 2015 lists.

I'm the kind of person who starts out really strong when I have new ideas or things I want to accomplish. I'll get right on it, make progress and eventually stall out a few days/weeks/months into things. So basically what I'm saying is that come about April or so, my progress will have slowed down a lot.

So what have I already gotten done?

Monday, January 5, 2015

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Things to do in 2015

I was having a bit of trouble coming up with resolutions for 2015...and then a friend showed me how she was writing up resolutions/things she'd like to do in 2015. I thought her way was pretty good...so yes, I kind of copied it. I had to switch things up a bit because I was having problems coming up with certain numbers of things for each topic, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Year End Reflections

As 2014 comes to an end...did I really just type that? 2014 is coming to an end? Where did the month go?...but alas...As 2014 comes to an end, I thought it would be nice to take a look back and reflect on the year.

10 Things That Made Me Happy:
  1. Dying my hair red
  2. Girl's nights
  3. Advent presents for friends and sister
  4. Shipshewana with Kelley
  5. Book club/rediscovering my love of books
  6. Buying my car
  7. Making Andrea's Minion cake and Jen's TFIOS cake
  8. Discovering Boba at Lola's
  9. Finding a good recipe to make sweet and sour chicken at home
  10. Leadership scavenger hunt at work

5 Things That Made Me Sad:
  1. The mouse ate my PB2
  2. All the snow last winter
  3. Jen moving away
  4. Divergent
  5. Losing my perfect attendance record at work

I'm not going blindly into 2015. My rose colored glasses are not on. I am taking a realistic look at things and what I want to accomplish in 2015. In reality I know that 2015 will not be much different from 2014. There will be ups. There will be downs. Good times, bad times, just ok times. It's life. I'll be working on a post about what I'd like to accomplish in 2015 and that should be up sometime this weekend or early next week.

2014 wasn't a bad year, but I don't know that I would say it was spectacular either. It was much harder for me to think of things that made me sad, hence why there's only 5, than it was for me to think of things that made me happy, so I suppose that means that on the whole the year was more good than bad.