With A Side of Jess: Already making progress

Monday, January 12, 2015

Already making progress

We're just 12 days into 2015 and I'm already making progress on my 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 things to do in 2015 lists.

I'm the kind of person who starts out really strong when I have new ideas or things I want to accomplish. I'll get right on it, make progress and eventually stall out a few days/weeks/months into things. So basically what I'm saying is that come about April or so, my progress will have slowed down a lot.

So what have I already gotten done?

I taught myself to knit.

I bought a book at Walmart that's supposed to teach you to knit. It even came with a DVD. Unfortunately after looking through the book and trying to play the DVD, which didn't work in my Blu-ray player or my laptop, I ended up going to YouTube for help. I found a ton of helpful tutorials and voila! I can knit. I'm still pretty slow going, but it's fun and surprisingly relaxing. The only downfall right now is that I'm getting a callous on my finger from where the yarn keeps going across one area.

I've also finished one book.

It isn't on my list of five specific books to read this year, but it counts toward my overall goal of 30.

I'm a big fan of TFIOS, so I was really excited to read another John Green book. I didn't read anything about the book, nor did I know what it was about going into it. Holy left field! In typical John Green fashion, cue the water works. It was a pretty good book overall, even though it wasn't as good as TFIOS.

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