With A Side of Jess: Want to be a guest blogger?

Want to be a guest blogger?

If you've clicked on this tab I'm going to assume you're interested in being a guest blogger - or maybe finding out more info about guest blogging - so that's exactly what you'll find here.

What is a guest blogger?
A guest blogger is someone who isn't a regular contributor (though I think they really could be) or writer for a blog. They write posts randomly or infrequently - perhaps just one post ever, or maybe one post every 6 months or something. Topics can vary depending on the blog, but in general it's something the blog's regular readers might find interesting.

I have something your readers might find interesting. How do I get it on your blog?
First, you should email me and the subject of your email should mention you're interested in being a guest blogger. Tell me what you'd like to write a post about - please don't include the whole post verbatim - and perhaps some photo ideas you've got in mind or have already snapped. You might even want to include a picture or two if you've already got some to help give me a better idea of your topic. If your topic has no related pictures that's fine too!

Are there any stipulations or rules regarding guest blog posts?
Yes, but they're not really that complex or anything. I just require all posts to be written by you in your own words - plagiarism isn't just for high school or college students - and that the posts only be published/appear on my blog. That means that the post should be exclusive to this blog and should not appear on any other blog, including your own. I should also note that guest blog posts are unpaid.

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or wish to contribute! I will respond as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you!