With A Side of Jess: About


I'm a 30-something year old who's still trying to figure out the world - but aren't we all? Trying to figure out the world that is, not 30-something year olds.

I recently gave my blog a complete makeover in order to better fit who I am now, as opposed to who I was when the blog began, and what I like to blog about. I wore one set of hats when I began this blogging adventure in 2011 and it seems that many of those hats were no longer quite the same.

Instead of boring you with long, possibly run-on, sentences about how fantastic I am and all the things I like, I'll just give you a Top 10 list of facts about me. I promise to throw in some nifty pictures, and possibly graphics, to illustrate and break up the monotony.

1 - I love to read. My favorite genre is young adult dystopian fiction ala Hunger Games, Matched, Divergent and the like. I have 100+ books between my Goodreads to-read and read shelves. If you have any recommendations I'd love to hear them!

2 - I'm divorced, and have been since mid-2013. Life doesn't always work out the way we plan...and that's ok.

3 - I adopted my cat Minerva Louise, more often referred to as Minnie, shortly after my ex and I separated and she's been one of my saving graces through everything. She's feisty like her mama, enjoys a good nap and loves all things crafty - especially glitter and ribbon.

4 - I have a degree in print journalism...and I don't even work in a related field. I'm a residential assistant in group homes and, at least at this point in my life, I couldn't imagine doing anything else. I also work in a church nursery, and of course I blog, which is as close to journalism as I get right now. When my four, ok five, years of college were done, it just wasn't something I still loved. I like it, but, alas, it isn't a love. And life is too short to do something you don't love.

5 - I'm addicted to makeup. I have way more than I need or even use. It's darn close to needing its own closet in the bathroom...and let's not talk about all the stuff stashed away in other spots. For me, it's a way to express my creative side, because aside from crafts I more or less suck at art, and well, it's pretty too.

6 - I've had 3 miscarriages and lost a total of 4 babies. One was a "normal" miscarriage. One was an ectopic with twins and I lost a fallopian tube, and almost died. One was an ectopic, but the doctor was able to save that fallopian tube. My doctor for the last one was amazing, as both someone who practices medicine and as a means of support and encouragement. At this point she doesn't see a reason why I can't have children in the future if that's something I choose and it's in the cards for me.

7 - I love food. I love to eat food. I love to cook food. I love to bake food. Twelve of my 50+ Pinterest boards are dedicated to food in one way or another. I share a lot of food pictures on Instagram too. Food. Food. Food.

8 - I love all things crafty. DIY projects, scrapbooking, card making, upcycling...You name it. If it involves glitter, glue and a good time I'm in!

9 -

10 - Friends have described me using the following words - and none of them were coerced I promise!: loving, dependable, trusting, compassionate, amazing, beautiful, best friend, creative, honest, trustworthy, quick witted, compassionate, thoughtful, generous and anti-dramatic. Love that last one.