With A Side of Jess: Life Update - January 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Life Update - January 2013

Well that was strange typing 2013 into the title. I've been doing fairly well at remembering to write 2013 on things but just then trying to type it was almost a fail.

So what's new in January you're probably wondering. A strange mix of a lot and not much.

Most of my time has been spent working on blog and Etsy things when I haven't been at work. My training is finished and I'm on my own now. So far I love it. The residents are awesome and I feel like I'm in some Twilight Zone version of Kids Say the Darndest Things: Adult Edition. I've come home a few times and my cheeks have hurt so bad from laughing all night. That's a good thing.

One of my biggest peeves at the moment is when I tell people where I work and they assume I got the job because of my mom. She works for the same company but in a different department. In such a different department that she really wouldn't have had any pull in getting me hired and really, she could have been a reason I didn't get hired. Part of the application is about nepotism and I had to list that she works there also and what department, etc. Quite frankly, I got the job because I'm damn good at what I do.

In other news, I've gotten quite a few things in recent weeks that you've probably already seen reviews for or that have reviews coming shortly. As always if there's something new out there that you'd like to see a review of, let me know and I'll see what I can do!

Project Pinspiration is coming along pretty well too! I've gotten a few projects under my belt and they're just waiting to be photographed and written up. I've been trying to get ahead the last couple of weeks so that when I start on my regular work schedule I'll have some wiggle room. That said, the posts will be up in a sort of spread out manner so I don't have 50 projects bunched into one week and then nothing for two months. If you're interested in helping out with this, head on over to this post and let me know!

Christmas was good and I got a lot of things I needed: the usual socks, underwear, clothes, etc. You may have caught my Walmart gift card shop & tell a couple of weeks ago - I got all that with a gift card I received for Christmas.

As you can probably tell from the lack of pictures in this post, my resolution to take more pictures isn't going so hot. BUT I'm not even through the first month of the year so there's still a lot of time to turn that around!

I really can't think of anything else that's going on right now. Hopefully February's update will have some pictures to liven things up a bit. Until then, feel free to comment below and tell me what's been going on in your life recently!

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