With A Side of Jess: Weight Loss Update - December 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Weight Loss Update - December 2012

Weight loss is a tricky road to navigate sometimes and this last month was really no different. However, the good thing is that in the last month I've only gained 1 pound. This is especially good since last month included Thanksgiving and all the food and goodies that go along with it.

That really shouldn't be an excuse though. Lots, and I mean lots, of people can make it through Thanksgiving and actually lose weight. I can't blame the whole pound on Thanksgiving though because if I broke it down on a week by week basis, I think I lost weight the week after Thanksgiving.

Going forward into the rest of December and January I want to do a better job at staying away from pop. Pop seems to be a fairly big part of my weight gain weeks versus my weight loss weeks. It's amazing how many calories we can just drink away and how if it's something we're used to, doesn't even being to fill us up. I could see drinking a smoothie with more calories than pop if the smoothie was a solid meal replacement type thing, but to just drink away between 100 and 200 calories (if not more!) on pop? It's starting to seem just a bit too insane to me.

I also want to try to have healthier options on hand to eat. That's an even trickier goal than the pop one since there are only so many ways you can stretch a dollar at the grocery store. Coupons help but at the end of the day, the average person isn't getting oodles and oodles of things for free - and really, most of what they walk away with for free is toothpaste, sports drinks and the like.

Are you on a weight loss journey? How is yours going?

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