With A Side of Jess: 30 Days of Pinspiration

Monday, December 10, 2012

30 Days of Pinspiration

By now many of you know what Pinterest is. If you don't, consider yourself lucky and enjoy the hours of free time you have not spent saving things you "might" want to do later. And just in case you REALLY don't know what it is, it's basically a gigantic bulletin board where you can "pin," aka organize and save, ideas for really anything - food, beauty, craft, fashion, the list is just about endless.

So now that we're clear on what Pinterest is, I bet you're wondering what 30 Days of Pinspiration means. It can mean many things to many people, but for my purposes it means that I'd like to do 30 projects from Pinterest. Will these all be done in one month? No way Jose. I don't have that kind of time or money. However, my goal is to do a combination of craft and food ideas found on Pinterest - 30 of them to be exact - over the next several months. I figure I can probably do 1 or 2 each week for a total of 4-8 each month. At that rate, it should take me around 6 months, give or take a few on each side, to complete.

I will be needing your help though. I've created a board that I'm encouraging people to add project ideas to. All of the 30 projects will be chosen from this board - and only this board - so pin wisely and often! You can check out all the ideas currently on the board here. To be added as someone able to pin to the board I'll need your email address.

I'm looking to start this project in January, so get those pins in place! I can't wait to see what great ideas you all have for me to try!

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