With A Side of Jess: How to get products to review - Buy it myself

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How to get products to review - Buy it myself

A few of you have expressed interest in knowing/learning about how I get the things I review and various ways to make money from blogging so I've decided to do a couple of posts about it. I had originally thought I could make it into just two posts but after starting to write this one about how to get products to review, I realized that it's going to need at least 3 or 4 posts, possibly more.

As I'm sure you've noticed if you've been reading my blog for any length of time, I like to review products. What kind of products? Pretty much anything. I don't like doing it to get free stuff, though that is a bonus. I like doing it because I like to share my opinions with others. I give honest feedback about whatever it is I'm reviewing so that others can use that information to decide if it's something they also want to try. Not only do I write reviews about things I enjoy (my favorite reviews to write), but I also write them if I didn't enjoy a product. I think it's important to share my views regardless of what they are.

So on to the big question: How do I get these things in the first place?

There are several ways I get these things and there are various requirements and rules and the like for each place.

1. I buy the stuff myself

Yes, believe it or not, I do buy some of the stuff myself. Sometimes it's something I pick up on a whim and sometimes it's a planned purchase. Generally speaking though, they aren't products I pick up with the intent to review. It's usually a product I've seen around or heard something about or just plain caught my eye at the store. Either way I get it home, try it and if I have some sort of strong feelings either way - love or hate - I tend to want to share that with my readers. If it's something I was kind of meh about, I might share it but it's not as likely unless I feel my meh opinion is really relevant and would help others deciding to purchase that product or not.

Here is where you guys as readers have some influence too. I don't always get a say in exactly what I get sent from some of the other places I get things to review but I always have a say in how I spend my own money. If there's a product you've seen around and want to know my opinion let me know! I'd be happy to purchase it myself, try it out and possibly save you a few dollars - or suggest you spend it!

As I said as the beginning, this is apparently going to be a multi-post miniseries since one post with everything would be insanely long. That said, the next post about another way to get things to review will be out shortly! If you know of any other ways you'd like to share or think I should check out, feel free to comment below!

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