With A Side of Jess: October - More than just Breast Cancer

Monday, October 1, 2012

October - More than just Breast Cancer

If you've been reading my blog for a while (like a year or more or so) you might have caught my post last year about how October is for more than just breast cancer. If you haven't, you can check it out here and then continue reading this post.

I know that just about everything seems to have a day, week or month at some point throughout the year. Heck, we have Talk Like a Pirate Day even. However, there are some causes or events that tend to stand out more in the minds of others.When many people think of October, there are a few things that usually come to mind: Halloween, Columbus Day, Breast Cancer Awareness month, maybe even Latino Heritage Month (technically in both September and October). I'd like to bring to your attention another important part of October.

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.

It saddens me that it doesn't receive as much publicity or attention as some of the other causes. It's sad to me for so many reasons and not just because I have experienced it firsthand.

In an effort to help get the word out, throughout the month of October I'll be sharing thoughts, statistics, stories and anything else I can about the subject.

To get things going, here is a startling statistic:

One out of every four women (that's 25%!) will experience the loss of a baby at some point in her life. It's such a common occurrence, yet people rarely want to talk about it. Because the topic has become so taboo, these women, and their family members, are left to grieve alone.

I am one in four.

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