With A Side of Jess: September 2012 Hits and Misses - Beauty, Craft, Food and Lifestyle Favorites

Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 2012 Hits and Misses - Beauty, Craft, Food and Lifestyle Favorites

Is it really already time for this post? I feel like I just wrote up my August Hits and Misses - July's too for that matter! This year is flying by and it seems that in no time at all Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here. If you'd like to see the August list, just click here. Otherwise, it's on with September!


Sabon Foot Cream

I was lucky enough to get this foot cream in my August Birchbox, but I didn't actually use it until this month. In order to tell you why this is such an amazing foot cream, I might have to get a little TMI. You see, my feet have this issue where they apparently don't sweat properly (so I was told by a doctor many years ago). Instead of sweating like normal feet should, the sweat pools up under the skin creating little blisters of sorts (not painful at all). These little blisters eventually rub on shoes or socks or just pop on their own and create the grossest peely parts on my feet. I've tried so many lotions and potions to help with this and I think I may have finally found my saving grace, my holy grail. I used this foot cream two nights in a row just before bed and put socks on. That was at the beginning of the month and my feet are just now starting to get the dry, peely patches again - which means I should probably put some more on. The moisture my feet felt was amazing and something I haven't found in any other lotion out there, though many claim to be the best, most moisturizing, etc. The only downfall is the price. It's $16 for 5.27oz.

Birchbox and Color Club Custom Collection in Status Update
I wasn't exactly thrilled when I saw this color in my Birchbox this month. There was at least one other color I had wanted more. However, I gave it a try and I love it! It's a very opaque polish and one coat was all I needed to cover my nails. At first look, I thought it was more of a navy blue, but it's definitely a very dark charcoal gray. Love! It's perfect for fall. About a week after I painted them they were all chipped and gross looking. All it took was just one more coat to cover all the chips and dings and have them looking like new again. It's amazing.

I feel bad once again writing that I haven't crafted anything, thus I have no favorites this month. I'm hoping to get my disaster area, I mean craft area, cleaned up soon so I can get back in there making things.

Red Grapes
I heard something on the news about a local winery. They said that this year's harvest of grapes was not as much in quantity as years past but what was harvested was some of the sweetest grapes they've ever had. This was due to the weather pattern this summer of being super hot for periods of time and lacking rain - or something to that effect. I think this has affected regular eating grapes as well. I don't remember ever getting so many bunches of incredibly sweet red grapes in a row. We bought grapes every single week this month and every single week we got amazing grapes.


Glade Expressions Oil Diffuser in Lavender and Juniper Berry 
This smells amazing. If you want to read my full review, you can do so here. Basically I just think this is one of the greatest things since sliced bread. Yes, it was a bit overpowering on the first day but every day since then it has smelled great. It's not too much for our small bathroom and it always smells like someone has just finished taking a shower - like how the bathroom gets lightly scented from their shampoo or body wash.

Fall is probably tied with spring as my favorite season(s). There are so many awesome things that happen in fall that it's hard not to like. The leaves changing colors, the weather cools off, you can wear sweaters, have big bon fires, and drink apple cider! Also, my birthday is in the fall but I'm sure you'll hear more about that next month.

New Seasons of TV Shows
I'm so happy/glad/excited my favorite shows like Grey's Anatomy and Castle are back! I understand why they have a summer break for the shows, but sometimes I wish they just kept on going. It's nice to actually have new things to watch on TV at night.


TwistBand Hair Tie
I received this hair tie in September's Birchbox. In my initial thoughts I stated I was skeptical about its ability to hold my hair. I have fine hair and a lot of it. The normal hair ties I use need to go around my hair three times in order to hold it in a high pony tail. Two times around will hold it in a low, loose pony tail. This band is no different. It needs to go around three times in order to hold it in a high, tight pony tail. The problem comes with the fact that this band isn't big/stretchy enough to do that. I can only use it to wear my hair in a low/loose pony tail. Now that we're in cooler weather it's not such a big deal but my usual preference is that if my hair is tied back, it's up higher, which this band doesn't let me do.

Again, see above. No crafting = no hits or misses.

Jello Pudding Mix Ins (Sorry I don't have a picture - I tossed the package before I thought to take a picture)
I had gotten a great, $1/1 coupon through one of the focus groups I'm part of so I decided to try these out. They come two in a pack and cost about $1.75 at regular retail price at my local grocery store. $1.75 for two little cups of pudding with a little bit of topping stuff to mix into them. Totally not worth the price. Were they good? Yes. Would I buy them again? Not unless the price comes down significantly and/or there are great coupons. For $1.75 I can buy regular packs of pudding and package up my own Oreos, sprinkles and what have you to put on top and mix in myself. Sorry Jello, pudding fail - at least in the price department.

Nothing comes to mind as a miss this month, which is good for all the products I used and bad I suppose for the interest of reading this post.

Products mentioned in this post:

Disclaimer: I received some these products complimentary and/or received coupons for free products from the following places: BzzAgent

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