With A Side of Jess: New Year's Resolutions

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

It's pretty much standard to make at least one New Year's Resolution and I think many people do it, even if subconsciously. And just for the record, resolving not to make a resolution this year does indeed count as a resolution!

Most people, from my experience, don't keep their resolutions past about March or so. It's hard to make changes sometimes. It's hard to find time in an already hectic schedule for a new work out routine or to take an extra 20 minutes at the grocery store picking through produce, being careful to select only the organically grown stuff. Resolutions are just hard sometimes.

Thankfully, I try not to make resolutions that I think would be too hard to follow through on for more than a month or two. For instance, several years (we're talking more than 5) ago I made it a resolution to use proper grammar and punctuation while texting and talking over instant messengers. As a then journalism major it disgusted me (and still does!) how we had let the English language slip in favor of "lol" and "ttyl." I still (for the most part) use proper grammar and punctuation when texting.

So this brings us to this year's resolutions. What did I resolve to do differently in 2012? Here's the rundown:

  1. Be a better blogger - I really don't like neglecting my blog. I like to write (didn't you see the journalism major part above?) and I like to hope that people enjoy reading what I write. The problem is that I usually lack motivation and inspiration. I'm hoping to solve those problems by coming up with a loose blog schedule and using some of my down time to pre-write posts (like this one!) so they can be all scheduled and ready to post when I'm ready for you to read them.
  2. Be a more organized crafter - My current crafting space is quite small and short on storage. I'd like to get more organized and do a better job at staying that way in 2012.
If I think of anything else after January 1st I'll add it to the list, but really I think both of those things would be helpful to master and attainable goals.

What are your 2012 resolutions?

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