With A Side of Jess: Weight Loss Update

Monday, August 27, 2012

Weight Loss Update

I realized that it's been forever (ok really about 4 months) since I updated on my weight loss journey.

Overall, since I started keeping track of my weight in March, I'm down nearly 20 pounds. Since my last update in April (and a good amount of yo-yoing), I'm down about 12 pounds.

How have I gotten to this point? To be honest, having surgery helped a lot. If you're wondering exactly what that's about, you can read the post here. I'm not sure if it somehow jump started my metabolism or if the sheer amount of energy it took to move post surgery helped, but I lost a good deal of weight in that time period. After I had recovered more, some of the weight came back and the loss slowed quite a bit.

In the last few weeks I can chalk my weight loss up to a lot of stress. I haven't been eating right. I haven't been exercising. I've just been very, very stressed. I do know that part of it has been that I've been eating less overall, which is generally a good thing, but not so good when it's due to stress and not conscious good choices.

Part of my goal weight is driven by the fact that my doctor wants me to lose as much weight as possible before my next appointment in October. She wants me to be as close to my ideal weight as possible. In reality that means I have about 100 pounds to lose yet. While I don't think it's possible or healthy to lose 100 pounds in the next month and a half, I do think it's possible to lose another 20 or so. It's not a huge chunk, but it's still pretty good.

Are you on a weight loss journey? What are some of your tips and tricks?


  1. I can be of no help, I haven't lost any weight lately. ): I am a slacker! lol

    1. Maybe I stole the weight you were going to lose? lol After your grandma is done feeding you yummies you can get back on the wagon :-)
