With A Side of Jess: I had the sickies

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I had the sickies

I've been meaning to write here for some time now (over a week), but every time I sit down and think about what I should wring about my brain goes all blank and I've got a bit fat nada. So I'll tell you why my creative/foodie/randomness has been absent for a bit.

I got sick. It started with what I thought was just some seasonal allergies a couple of weekends ago and slowly progressed into "that crap that's going around." I had the typical sneezing, runny nose, etc. that comes with seasonal allergies and my husband and sister had the same thing going on so I didn't think much about it. Apparently they were both smarter than me and took meds to help with it.

I, on the other hand, decided to "tough it out" and didn't start taking anything until things were starting to go further downhill. By Tuesday of that week I had a rough, scratchy throat, a voice that sounded like an old man and a runny/stuffy/draining down the back of my throat nose. Great! By Wednesday I had all of the above, plus no voice. On Friday I decided I'd had enough of my husband calling me Silent Bob so I needed to go to the doctor.

My wonderful doctor gave me an antibiotic and told me to drink lots of cold liquids and cough drops. Thankfully it started to work almost right away and by Sunday I could talk pretty well - much to the dismay of my husband. I've still got the runny/draining down the back of my throat nose and a bit of the cough, but it's nothing compared to what it was a week ago and for that I'm thankful. =

I keep debating if I need to call and ask for a recommendation for a good decongestant/cough suppressant/something to help me quit coughing but I think I'll give that until Friday.

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