With A Side of Jess: Keep pushing

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Keep pushing

I'm trying a new daily quote app and this was the quote for today. It really hit home in so many ways.

Everyone has value. Everyone serves a role in the world, regardless of whether or not at any one particular moment they are embodying it. If we treat everyone as though they have something, and not just any something but something positive, to contribute to the world, maybe they can one day be capable of becoming a more positive force.

I've thought and thought, and then even thought some more, about what might be a good example of this and I'll do my best to put it into words that are coherent for others.

I know many people who are selfish and greedy, some to the point of being nearly gluttonous.When I know they have something that could/would benefit someone else, I still ask if they might be willing to help. Treating them as though they are selfish, even though they are, won't help them to see that they could help others. It will only allow them to sit on whatever hoard of things they have and continue to keep things to themselves.

Asking them to help, either by lending a hand or donating or however the help is needed, enables them to make the choice for themselves, and hopefully in time they will decide to not be as selfish and help others. This is by no means a fast process and is often slow in the two steps forward, one step backward kind of way. It's frustrating. It makes you want to pull your hair out, walk away and just generally give up. But you shouldn't. Walking away simply enables them to stay exactly as they are.

Keep pushing, within reason, to get those around you to be as amazing as you know they are capable of being. The end will be so worth it.

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