With A Side of Jess: I Got Inked

Monday, April 15, 2013

I Got Inked

I've known for years that I wanted to get a tattoo - probably since sometime in high school. Over the years I changed my mind about what I wanted, where it should go, etc. Because I kept changing my mind, I never actually got one. I figured if I thought of a tattoo idea and it stuck with me for more than a short while, that's how I would know the time was right to get one.

I finally found an idea that stuck with me for more than a week.

After much thinking, scouring the Internet for ideas and inspiration and really doing some soul searching, I finally decided on what I wanted and I decided the time was now. That was about a month ago. I drew up (or rather put together in Paint.net) the idea I saw in my head and then just let the image file sit on my computer for a while.

The ribbon is the miscarriage/pregnancy loss ribbon and obviously there are angel wings around it. There are four sparkles/stars - one for each baby I have lost due to miscarriage. The words are the ending to one of my favorite poems about miscarriage/pregnancy loss:

An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth,
And whispered as she closed the book,
"Too beautiful for Earth."

A week later I went back to the image and made a few changes and let it sit again for a bit. When I went back to it, I was still in love with the image so I went to a local tattoo shop and asked for a price quote. The price didn't seem too much so I made an appointment for two weeks from then. It was my next weekend off work and I decided that if I still wanted it for the next two weeks it was meant to be.

Fast forward to this past weekend:

I still wanted it.

My sister, who was also getting a tattoo that day, and her boyfriend went along for some support - and also to take pictures.

After all the physical pain I've felt in my lifetime, I decided a tattoo couldn't hurt THAT bad, right? I was mostly right. It was uncomfortable to a point, but the pain was no where near pain I've felt before. To be honest, it reminded me a lot of when I was younger and had to have an allergy test done. They scratched my back 100+ times and put some solutions on it to see which ones I reacted to. The pain was similar to getting all the scratches.

The worst of it came from the wings I think, since it was all outline. The lettering hurt a little more also and my arm kind of kept wanting to twitch when he got to the extreme sides. No biggie though.


  1. It's absolutely gorgeous hun. I know I told you it would look good when you sent me the file but it looks even better finally come to fruition.

    1. Thanks Felicia! It really turned out even better than I had hoped!
