With A Side of Jess: Braided/Beaded Bracelet - Project Pinspiration #7

Monday, April 8, 2013

Braided/Beaded Bracelet - Project Pinspiration #7

The picture for this Project Pinspiration idea is super long, sorry about that!

And here's how mine turned out:

The way the pin looks, the project looks pretty easy. It was a LOT harder than I thought it would be. I used embroidery floss as my string but looking back at the pin, I think they may have used something else since theirs seems to be a lot stiffer. That may also have made the project easier to do.

It took me about an hour to make this one bracelet and that doesn't include the time I took trying to make two others that failed miserably.

I used a random button my mom had, embroidery floss left over from my grandma and beads I bought at Hobby Lobby, so the whole project cost me $2-3 for the beads and I have tons left.

Close up of the button
This whole project reminded me of making friendship bracelets in grade school where you sometimes had to tape some of the strands out of the way so you didn't get them mixed up in the wrong place. I ended up having to tape the braid/beads down to my table in order to keep them from shifting around while I was braiding and getting all messed up. The braid part with the beads was by far the most time consuming part - far more time consuming than picking the beads I wanted to use out of the big jar of beads.

I think it did turn out quite well though, all things considered.


  1. That is so pretty! Love that it could go with dressy or casual, really. Thanks so much for linking up to Inspire Me Wednesday!

  2. You told me you were doing this one and Im just now looking at it, because well I suck lol. I think this turned out amazing! Anddd I love love love the button! I may have to give this a shot too!
