With A Side of Jess: Thank you - Pregnancy/Infant Loss Awareness Month

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thank you - Pregnancy/Infant Loss Awareness Month

I'm not sure there is any way I can put into words exactly how thankful I am for everyone who has participated in my campaign of sorts for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.

Thank you to those who have been brave enough to share your story. It takes a lot of guts to tell anyone, let alone the world, the details of what is probably one of your darkest hours. Your courage is something to be admired. Thank you for helping me bring light to a subject so few talk about openly. I hope that sharing your story and possibly helping others who may be going through something similar eases your pain a bit, if only for a second.

Thank you to my readers, Facebook friends and Twitter followers for reading all of the posts and sharing and re-tweeting links to your friends and followers. Because of your help, others who may never have found my blog were able to read and share the posts as well. Everyone who has read even just one post about pregnancy/infant loss can now say they have some knowledge of the subject. They can be better friends/parents/partners/siblings/etc to anyone they know who has had a loss or who will experience one in the future.

Writing and sharing all these posts this month has really been an honor. Obviously it's something very near and dear to my heart and I hate that there are people out there who feel they have to suffer alone and in silence. There are support groups - both online and offline - that can and will help as much as they are able. If you aren't sure where to start the search for one, your doctor can be a great resource. Also try searching online and checking your local newspapers. If you aren't finding any groups in your area, maybe you could start one. Remember, statistically it happens to 1 in 4 women so if you are 1, there are others.

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