With A Side of Jess: January 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Keep pushing

I'm trying a new daily quote app and this was the quote for today. It really hit home in so many ways.

Everyone has value. Everyone serves a role in the world, regardless of whether or not at any one particular moment they are embodying it. If we treat everyone as though they have something, and not just any something but something positive, to contribute to the world, maybe they can one day be capable of becoming a more positive force.

I've thought and thought, and then even thought some more, about what might be a good example of this and I'll do my best to put it into words that are coherent for others.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

It's been a while.

I'd like to blame being busy or work or any other excuse I could possibly have for my absence from blogging, but none of that would quite be accurate. Truth is, I lost my motivation. Somewhere between the still warm breezes of fall and the first foot of snowfall I lost my motivation for just about everything. I didn't even make resolutions this year.

That's how far away my motivation ran.

I'm not going to promise great things are coming. I'm not going to promise to blog every day. I'm not even going to promise to blog every week. What I can promise, I hope, is to try to blog on whatever sort of schedule I can cobble together every now and again.

It's not for lack of ideas. I have TONS of ideas. I have TONS of things I'd love to share with the world. I just haven't been keen on actually sitting down to type it all out or remembering to take pictures of it before it's given away as a gift or eaten up, etc.

So there you have it.